State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB) : Assam has Released the Official Notification Regarding the CWT for the Recruitment Of Multiple Vacancy Under Different Organization Of Assam Police .
It is hereby informed that the Combined Written Test (CWT-2023) for the following posts will be held on 09-04-2023 from 10 A.M. to 12 NOON.
I. 211 posts of Constable under DGCD & CGHG, Assam in pursuance of advertisement issued vide No. SLPRB/REC/Constable/CD & HG/608/2022/88 dated 28-12-2022. II. 1226 posts of Forest Guard, 981 posts of AFPF Constable, 36 posts of Driver Constable & 142 posts of Driver under Forest Department, Assam issued vide No. SLPRB/REC/FG-AFPF/605/2022/157 dated 21-01-2023.
III. 36 posts of Havilder under DGCD & CGHG in pursuance of advertisement issued vide
No, SLPRB/REC/HAV/CD & HG/ 139/2020/ 124, dated 27-12-2022. IV. 222 posts of Excise Constable under Excise Department Assam in pursuance of advertisement issued vide No. SLPRB/Rec/Excise-C.N. /589/2022/94 dated 31-12- 2022.
V. 265 posts of Jail Warder in Prison Department, Assam in pursuance of advertisement
issued vide No. SLPRB/REC/ JW/ 384/2017/VOL-II/94 dated 26-01-2023 and
Notice/Addendum issued vide No. SLPRB/REC /JW /384/2017/VOL-II/106 dated
09-02-2023. VI. 4 posts of Tailor & 3 posts of Dresser under DGCD & CGHG, Assam issued vide No. SLPRB/Rec/Tailor & Dresser/CD & HG/610/2022/56 dated 07-02-2023.
VII. 1 post of Physiotherapist at Central Police Hospital,
Assam Police Admit Card Ditalis
Organization Name : State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB)
Total posts : 3127 Posts
Posts Name : Gorest Guard, AFPF ,Excise, Tailor, Havilder, Dresser,Driver Constable, driver,Jail warder. physiotherapist;
type Of exam : Cpmbined written test (CWT)
Exam date : 9 april 2023
Admit Card relesed date : 1 april 2023
Exam Center : The written test will be held in the centers selected in the following districts: 1.Kamrup (M), 2. Sonitpur, 3 Cachar & 4. Jorhat.